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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2016

CRUD Operation using Active Android

Hello friends, today we will see a simple CRUD Example in Android using Active Android Library .This is a perfect alternate for SQLite in Android. About Active Android ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM ( object relational mapper ). What does that mean exactly? Well, ActiveAndroid allows you to save and retrieve SQLite database records without ever writing a single SQL statement. ActiveAndroid takes care of all the setup for Accessing the database in android. Project Setup In the project you just created go to the app level build.gradle file and add these lines. dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' compile '' //Add this line compile 'com.michaelpardo:activeandroid:3.1.0-SNAPSHOT' } repositories { jcenter() //Add these two lines mavenCentral() maven { url "

Why I'm charmed by FireBase

What is Firebase Firebase is a cloud service provider for mobile and web developers. It was originated as real-time database service in 2011 and still it's the crucial characteristic of it. But with it, Firebase offers the huge amount of features. Like built in Analytics, App Indexing, Hosting, Authentication, brand new Dynamic Links, Notification handling, Crash Reporting, and AdMob. Most of these are totally free. There also paid plan  featuring testing and Google Cloud Platform integration. These features are new and were presented at Google I/O 2016, for me it was one of the most exciting parts of the keynote. I didn't put it in My Top 8 Announcements From Google I/O 2016 , though. Because I think it worth to write a separate post about. What I like the most about it is that it gathers almost all backend that you need for your mobile or web app in one place and manages everything for you. You don't need to connect your app with Google Analytics, AdMob, a real-tim...

Top 8 Announcements From Google I/O 2016

For last 4 years, Google I/O is one of the most important yearly events for me. I always watch it with admiration of a child. Google I/O 2012 was really great and the keynote was astonishing. Google Glass presentation alone was enough to blow my mind. Google I/O 2016 started May 18 and lasted up to May 20 and I think it was much better than the last two. Google announced many new things and some of these I really can call innovative (such as Clear All button in recent apps screen, thank you Google). So let's review some of the new announcements. Virtual Reality Comes To Your Phone On the keynote, Google presented brand new virtual reality platform called  Daydream . It's built on top of Android N and allows you to go virtual with just your phone.  The main idea is that virtual reality should be accessible for anyone, anywhere. And Google Cardboard showed us that it can be. And now Google taking it seriously. They presented specs for phones that they call Daydream-rea...

Why You Should Probably Stop Follow Your Passion

Kind of strange title for a blog which aims at motivating people to learn, isn't it? But I really think that passion is not moving people forward much. Passion is unstable and inconsistent. It can be helpful on first steps but after that, it leaves you with yourself. What Is Passion To avoid any misunderstanding I want to define what I mean when I say "passion". I personally, see passion as an imaginary friend that I think will do much of the work with me. When you just starting out, it's really great to have that one friend because you think that you can move heaven and earth. But with time passion leaves and you don't feel like doing anything you started with it. Look at this as walking with someone arm-in-arm. You two maybe want to move with different speed, but often this speed defined by the slowest one. And it's sad to admit, but passion is slowing down every day, and one day it just stops. But how to overcome this? How to keep you doing what you was so ...

Principles Of The Material

Hi! today we will talk about Material Design. It was presented at Google I/O conference in 2014 just as a concept and became popular very fast. Many app developers started to redesign their apps even without any help from SDK. And to be honest, they didn't even understand what Material Design is, primarily because even Google didn't really understand what it is. But at the moment, it's clear and understandable. With time Material Design got support from SDK and now we can build colorful, responsive, natural layouts with the very little effort. Material Design was invented with the endeavor to bring more of a real world to the digital space but keep it minimalistic. To achieve this goal three principles were stated. Digital paper Digital paper is the metaphor to reach the understanding of what is happening on the screen.  Computers and digital devices were designed to reduce all the paperwork in our life but paper is still a convenient way of storing and transferring...

Tutorial: Flexible Space With Image Action Bar

Android Support Library Android Support Library provides many useful features for android developers and doing it with backward-compatibility in mind. Watch this video where Ian Lake explain why it's so good ( it's just me or his smile looks terrifying? Leave your thoughts in the comment section). As you may guess we'll use design part of this library, actually a small part of the design part. To be able to use it in your project you should add a gradle dependency. compile '' Flexible Space With Image is a scrolling technique that was presented as a part of the material design and Android Support Design Library makes it really easy to implement one and also makes it backward-compatible so you don't need to write a code mess to support it on each API. We can achieve this effect with very small amount of java code using XML primarily. We’ll use CoordinatorLayout , AppBarLayout , and CollapsingToolbarLayout . CoordinatorLayout a...

How Create a Accessibility Service in Android

Hello friends, In this Tutorial. In this post, I will show you how to use Accessibility Service for Android. Before that, we need to know What is Accessibility Service . Accessibility Service Here, I am taking an example for creating Virtual Service Button instead of Default Back Button. Project Structure: Create a new Project in Android Studio with the required Specifications. Codes: AndroidManifest.xml Don't forget to add the following permission in your manifest file. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/> Don't forget to add the following Lines in your manifest file to create service for your application. <service android:name=".MyService" android:label="@string/app_name" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE"> <intent-filter> <...