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Hands on Xamarin Platform Pipeline - Context & Environment Description

If you haven’t read this post yet, please do before reading this one.

Before starting the development, some preparations need to be performed and the main tasks are:

  •  Knowing the application requirements
  • Define the technology stack
  • Install and configure the environment

In our case, for the Operating System, Mac OSX Sierra will be used but there is no big difference between Xamarin on Mac and Xamarin on Windows.

For the mobile application, it will be a simple Android application (Xamarin Traditional Approach or Xamarin Native) and it will be called 'Remember It'. In the main screen we'll have a list of things to remember with possibility to add elements and attach an alarm on them, the elements are saved in Azure backend. An authentication will be mandatory before displaying the list.

To get start using Xamarin is pretty easy, following is the description of what I have in my environment:

  • I'll be using my MSDN Enterprise license to use all the Xamarin Platform, Xamarin Community Edition (or trial mode) can be used to perform to develop and build at least
  • Android SDK (eventually NDK) installed
  • Xamarin components installed: Xamarin IDE and Xamarin.Android (Xamarin installation)
  • Xamarin Profiler and Xamarin Test Recorder
  • For the backend, we'll use Visual Studio Mobile Center for Identity, Database, Crash reports and Analytics


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