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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

Kotlin - Basics

Hello Guys, we already knew that Google announced Kotlin is a new first class language for Android Development. So, we started the Kotlin series for learning Kotlin for android. We have seen the "Hello World" Program for Android in our previous post.  You can download Intellij idea Commuinty Edition or use Kotlin Online Compiler provided by Intellij In this post, we will learn the basics of kotlin. 1. Hello World The Following Snippet shows the Hello world Program and is similar to Java. fun main(args: Array <string>) { println("Hello, world!") } 2. Variables and Constants The Following Snippet shows the How to use Variables and Constants with Datatype in Kotlin. Variables can be re-assigned  // Variable - Values Can be reassigned var a = 10 a = a + 10 println(a) Constants cannot be re-assigned and if we did will error as "val cannot be reassigned" // Constants - Values cannot reassigned val x = 10 println(x) We can specify the Data types for...

Hello World - Kotlin

Kotlin - Android Programming Language Google officially announced Kotlin as a first class language for Android development at Google I/O 2017. From Android Studio 3.0, Kotlin is included as  Support for Android Studio. In this post, we will start the development of Android Application with Kotlin. To Getting Started, you have to download Android Studio 3.0 Canary 1  or Add the Kotlin plugin in your existing Android Studio. Create Android Project with Kotlin Create new project in Android studio check the Kotlin support and start as usual with Android Studio 3.0.  Android Studio 3.0 But for Android Studio with version less than 3.0, we have install plugin form Plugins menu manually by Selecting File-->Settings-->Plugins-->Browse Repositories--> Search and Select Kotlin. Then Click Install Now inside activity_main.xml create the following UI <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < xmlns:android="htt...

Android Place Picker API

Hello guys, today we gonna learn one of the greatest API for android provide by Google is called Place Picker API. This API is used to Pick Place from Google Maps Application without any Map Integration.  The PlacePicker provides a UI dialog that displays an interactive map and a list of nearby places, including places corresponding to geographical addresses and local businesses. Users can choose a place, and your app can then retrieve the details of the selected place.  Project Setup You should follow the steps as proceeded below Step 1 - Get Your SHA1 Key For using Google Places API, We need to know SHA1 Key, which is used in Google Developer Console . You can get your SHA1 Key using Command Prompt. keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android Step 2 - Enable Google Places API in Developer Console Open Google Console Site . Create New Project or You can use your Existing Project. Go to Dashboar...